Contact Shefford

Shefford YFC Club Contacts

President:Mrs D. Whidborne
Vice Presidents: Mr S. Ackrill, Mr R. Denton, Mr T. Pearce, Mr A. Cooper, Mr D. Carlisle, Mrs S. Cowan, Mrs E. Bracey, Mr D. Brown, Mr N. Arkell, Mr J. Gent, Mrs C. Killen, Mrs R. Osgood, Mrs L. Bowden, Mrs C. West, Mrs E. Tuggey, Mrs J. Norman, Mr R. Bracey, Mr S. McGregor, Mrs C. Pallett, Mrs C. Osgood, Mrs A. Smith, Miss L. Hayward

Mrs A. Bosley, Mr T. Hayward, Mr I. Wilson, Mr I. Jermey, Mrs E. Bracey, Mrs C. West, Mrs E. Tuggey, Mrs C. Pool, Mr R. Pool, Mrs R. Legh-Smith

ChairmanMiss G Tuggey
TreasurerMrs A Bosley
Club Leaders Mrs E Bracey
Mrs C West
Health & Safety OfficerAdvisory Committee
Safeguarding OfficerMrs Anne Smith (choules . acre @ hotmail . com (please omit the spaces when emailing))
Executive Representatives: Voting: Mrs C West, Miss G. Tuggey, Miss V. Ackrill
Non-voting: Mr I Jermey
Meeting Place: Brightwalton Village Hall (note that the meeting venue can vary, according to the activity taking place).
Alternate Wednesdays at 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Contact:To get in touch with Shefford YFC, please email: