The Berkshire Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs is a registered charity (#300104), run entirely by volunteers, supported by one part time member of administrative staff. Every penny of income to run County activities is generated by fundraising, sponsorship, advertising income and grant applications.
Our volunteers work hard to put on events and activities throughout the year, raising funds with profits from ticket sales. Generous sponsorship and advertising ensure more profits can go towards the running of the Federation, helping us to support our Clubs and their members.
Ways to support us:
The 200 Club has been operating since 1995 and half of its income is donated to the County each year.
It is open to everyone and is a simple way for family & friends of our members to support Berkshire YFC, whilst being in with a chance of winning a cash prize. Click on the button below to find out more:

The Berkshire YFC Country Fayre Weekend has been running for many years and is the County Federation’s biggest annual fundraiser. It is run by a committee of volunteers who organise all aspects of the weekend.
All profits raised allow the Executive Committee to subsidise events, training and activities and ensure the dedicated volunteers who run our Clubs are well supported by County Office. The generous support of our sponsors and advertisers helps to cover more of the overheads of the Fayre weekend, so more money can be used to directly benefit the next generation of young people passionate about farming, the countryside and rural life. To find out more, click on the button below: